Case Study: Spectral Balance Filters

Data Table




See Fig 1 below

Blocking Range

300 – 700 nm


Float Glass


20 mm Dia


1 mm

Scratch/ Dig


Quantity Per Year


Customer Problem: Due to uneven sensitivity v wavelength response, a correcting filter is often required to ‘balance the system’, our customer came to us with a request to make such a filter, they clearly understood the workings of their own system and presented us with a requested profile as per the red line above.

Our Solution: Using our software, we were able to design a coating that was a close match (see the blue line above) and very importantly was manufacturable.  The customer also had to fix the problem of uneven response within a tight budget.

Outcome: Very quickly, we were able to make some samples for the customer to try and happily they worked! On the budget challenge and to enable Vortex to offer the best possible price, we recommend a quantity to be supplied over a 2 year call off period as the product increased in sales. 2-years-worth of filters, were manufactured in one tranche of work and the customer could call them off at will, knowing we had them in stock and available next day. Flexible call-off arrangements are needed to keep production lines moving, they can cope with seasonal/uneven demand without anxiety for the customer!