Case Study: Dual Band Pass Filter

Data Table



Centre Wavelength Band 1

2080 +/- 7 nm

Bandwidth (FWHM) Band 1

45 nm +/- 7 nm

Centre Wavelength Band 2

2385 +/- 8 nm

Bandwidth (FWHM) Band 2

50 +/- 8 nm

Peak Transmission

T% >60%

Blocking Ranges

800 – 2000, 2150 – 2310, 2520 – 3500 nm




4.8 x 4.8 mm


1 mm

Scratch/ Dig


Quantity Per Year


Case Study: Custom Dual Bandpass Filter for high volume applications.


Customer Challenge: Dual band filters have historically been very difficult to manufacture, this customer had an established product but had been let down frequently by a previous supplier nearly always late on deliveries or parts were out of spec once delivered and they were looking to find an alternative, reliable supplier.  The customer already had a clearly defined specification to share with us.

Vortex’s Solution: From the specification we were able to design a suitable filter and send some modelling data for assessment. The customer was surprised that we could exceed the respective passband transmissions by a considerable margin, meet the positional requirements stipulated and produce much better blocking between the 2 bands and over the whole sensitivity range of the PbS detector. The conversion to a single dual band filter and detector from a 2 filter/2 detector system meant substantial cost savings, the detector is the most expensive element so to use only 1 and not 2 was great news! This all meant the customer was able to enter a wider range of markets due to the instrument’s lower price point and it significantly boosted their sales.

The Result: Overtime we have built up a great relationship with this well-known customer and now manufacture a whole range of different filters and coatings for them alongside this dual bandpass filter. Our ability to respond quickly and deliver prototypes fast was key to winning the initial business and the relationship has strengthened over recent years. We also offer these items on monthly call off, so the customer’s anxiety on build schedules is greatly reduced!