Visible Filters
We are able to design and manufacture custom visible filters with short lead-times for many applications.
- All Vortex filters are sputtered, meaning they are highly durable.
- All common types of filter, Long Wave Pass (LWP), Short Wave Pass (SWP), Wide Band Pass (WBP) and Narrow Band Pass (NBP).
- Some examples are shown below, contact us to discuss your requirements.
Visible Long Wave Pass Filter
- Blocking lower visible wavelengths.
- Applications include fluorescence, medical systems, order sorting in spectrometers and scientific instruments.
Visible Short Wave Pass Filter
- For blocking longer wavelengths and transmitting short wavebands
- Applications include thermal management (Hot Mirrors) in systems and shortening the ranges of sensitivity of detectors.
Visible Wide Band Pass Filter
- Used to block a higher and lower wave band and allow a band to transmit
- Typical application to isolate a working band in visible systems using Silicon photodiode detectors or visible cameras
Visible Narrow Band Pass Filter
- Typically used to isolate a narrow wavelength range for use in scientific analysis or LED tidying
Steep edge 45 deg LWP Filter
Separation of colours at 45°, example to the right shows blue reflected, orange/red transmitted.
Extended Hot Mirror for 45 deg. Angle of incidence
A type of SWP filter was used for this application, requirement is to reflect the heat of the near
infra-red and allow some visible transmission.